Beelzebub (べるぜバブ, Beruzebabu) is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Ryūhei Tamura that appeared in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since February 2009. Beelzebub was first published as a one-shot by Tamura in Weekly Shōnen Jump's 2008 volume 37-38, where it won the fourth Gold Future Cup. It was then serialized on the same magazine starting in its thirteenth volume of 2009.
The story follows Tatsumi Oga, the "strongest juvenile delinquent". He is a first year student in Ishiyama High School, a school with a heavy presence of delinquents. The story begins as Tatsumi is telling the story of how he found Beelzebub to his best friend Takayuki Furuichi. One day, while taking revenge on people trying to kill him in his sleep, supposedly fishing, he sees a man, revealed as Alaindelon, floating down the river. Tatsumi pulls him to shore and he splits in half, revealing a baby boy. This boy is revealed to be Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV, the son of the Demon King, and Tatsumi has been chosen to be the one to raise him with the baby's maid Hilda. The story follows Tatsumi's life with the child and at Ishiyama High. The early chapters of the manga follow Tatsumi as he attempts to pass on Beelzebub to other students at Ishiyama High. The theory is that if Tatsumi can find someone more evil and stronger than him, Beelzebub will attach to that person instead of Tatsumi.
Main characters
The titular character of the series. Beelzebub IV (commonly referred to as Baby Be'el) is an infant Demon and the youngest son of the Great Demon Lord and the younger brother of En. He sent by his father to the Human world to destroy humanity. Upon a chance meeting with the delinquent Oga, Be'el becomes Oga's adoptive son through a blood contract.
The primary protagonist of the series, Oga is a tough delinquent who attended Ishiyama High as a freshman before its destruction. Oga fits the ideal parent of Be'el: he is tough, sadistic, and arrogant. Initially, Oga believed himself to be unfit as Be'el's parent but eventually decided to take his responsibilities.
Furuichi is Oga's best (and innitially, only) friend, having known him since middle school. He lacks any special powers or strengths, other than his high intellect, and has a wild imagination in regarding attractive women. The members of Red Tail call him a 'pedophile' due to his surprising relationship with Lamia.
A Demon maid and the wet nurse of Be'el, Hildegarde (often called Hilda) is often very cold and impassive. She believes that her purpose in life is to serve Be'el and is very serious about her job. Hilda is called Oga's wife or Oga's bride by his fellow classmates. Though initially disgusted that Oga is Be'el's chosen parent, she gradually comes to respect and acknowledge him as her master's father.
A Transdimensional Demon who bears a strong resemblance to Freddie Mercury. Alaindelon is a very comical character and accompanies Hilda while she serves Be'el, whom he also respects and serves. Alaindelon currently lives with Furuichi's family after believing the latter to be a noble person. He also has a young daughter named Angelica.
The first member of the Tōhōshinki to be introduced. He is a third-year student who is very cruel and malicious towards his opponents, though he does have some respect and care for his own underlings. Hajime bears a grudge against Oga for beating him up but can side with the latter during times. Hajime is known to have a fondness for yogurts as it's his favorite food.
A Tōhōshinki member and the son of a conglomerate, making him a very wealthy teenager. Himekawa believes that money is the source of all life's happiness and can be very arrogant and conceited, as well as being the most dishonorable of any of the Tōhōshinki. He is willing to even sell out his comrades or underlings. However, he does have high intellect and shows an interest in video games and electronics.
The only female Tōhōshinki member and a former leader of the Red Tail, Aoi is a practitioner of Kendō. She harbors a crush on Tatsumi Oga who seems oblivious to these feelings. Aoi has a disguise in which she refers to herself as 'Aoi Kunie'. She and Hilda have a rivalry.
Tōjō is the fourth and strongest member of the Tōhōshinki, towering over many of his fellow classmates. While a violent person by nature, he's also surprisingly calm and serious in most situations. He's also one of the more respectful characters in the series but can be occasionally comical. He has several part-time jobs and a weakness for cute things. Tōjō is connected to Shizuka Nanami and Zenjūrō Saotome.
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